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Community Clothes Swap

What is a community clothes swap?

A community clothes swap is an effort to help people in the community reduce, reuse, and recycle clothes they may not like as much as they first did when they purchased the clothes. Bring in your clothes, then come in on the day-of to find something new!

The clothes swap also allows members of the community to access clothes they may not usually have access to. Leftover clothes will be donated or saved for the next swap!

Adult & Teens Clothing Swap:

June 27-29

  • June 1-24: Library accepts clothes donations (Adult and Teen clothes ONLY)

  • June 27- 29

    • Thursday, June 27: Ticketed Early Birds

    • Friday, June 28- Saturday, June 29: Everyone welcome!

Kids Clothing Swap:

August 1-3

  • Monday, July 1-29: Library accepts clothes donations (Kids clothes ONLY)

  • August 1-3

    • Thursday, August 1: Ticketed Early Birds

    • Friday, August 2- Saturday, August 3: Everyone welcome!

What can I bring?

Clothes should be in clean, ready-to-wear condition!

You may bring up to 25 pieces of clothes from any of the following categories:

  • Spring/Summer tops

  • Fall/Winter tops

  • Spring/ summer Semi-formal & Formal wear

  • Fall/Winter Semi-formal & Formal Wear

  • Spring/Summer bottoms

  • Fall/Winter bottoms

  • Spring/Summer Footwear

  • Fall/Winter Footwear

  • Accessories

  • Outerwear

We will NOT accept:

  • Ripped clothes

  • Dirty clothes

  • Undergarments

  • Bathing suits

  • Socks

  • Jewelry

How does it work?

  • Bring your clothes to the library on the dates provided.

  • You will receive a ticket marked with how many items you brought. This ticket will allow you early bird access to the clothes swap and tell you how many items you can take during the early bird time slot.

  • Come to the library on the days of the Clothes Swap to find something fun! You don't need a ticket after the first day!

What can I take?

  • For each item you donate, you'll be able to take an item. Donate 5 pieces, take 5 pieces. When you donate, you will receive a ticket saying how many pieces you donated.

  • For the first day, early birds (donators) will be able to take one piece of clothing for every one piece of clothing they donated.

  • For the second two days, all are welcome to come and take what they need.

  • Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee you'll find something in your size/style!

The mission of Mars Area Public Library is to inform, educate, entertain, and culturally enrich by providing books,​ library materials, facilities, and professional
services for all individuals in our area.



Mon-Thurs: 10am-7pm

Friday: 10am-3pm

Saturday: 9am-4pm (10am-2pm between Memorial Day and Labor Day)





107 Grand Avenue/P.O. Box 415

Mars, PA 16046

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